Delícias Caseiras

Pães Artesanais Frescos

Feitos com ingredientes selecionados e amor, para você saborear sempre.


Oferecemos uma variedade de produtos de padaria e confeitaria, todos fresquinhos.

Bolos Personalizados

Bolos feitos sob encomenda, perfeitos para qualquer celebração ou evento especial.

Doces Finos

Uma seleção de doces finos, ideais para acompanhar seu café ou chá.

Tortas Saborosas

Tortas feitas com frutas frescas e recheios irresistíveis, para todos os gostos.

Biscoitos Crocantes

Biscoitos artesanais, crocantes e saborosos, perfeitos para um lanche rápido.

Pães Integrais

Pães integrais saudáveis, feitos com grãos selecionados e sem conservantes.

A person wearing a mask works inside a pastry shop, preparing pastries on a countertop. A large copper bowl is visible in the foreground, and several pastries are arranged in rows on baking trays. The shop is identified as Fábrica de Nata, and the interior is modern with reflections of the street visible on the glass window.
A person wearing a mask works inside a pastry shop, preparing pastries on a countertop. A large copper bowl is visible in the foreground, and several pastries are arranged in rows on baking trays. The shop is identified as Fábrica de Nata, and the interior is modern with reflections of the street visible on the glass window.
A person is preparing or arranging small cookie-like pastries on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. The pastries are neatly aligned in rows, showing a textured surface and a light golden color. The focus is on the pastries, with the person's blurred figure in the background.
A person is preparing or arranging small cookie-like pastries on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. The pastries are neatly aligned in rows, showing a textured surface and a light golden color. The focus is on the pastries, with the person's blurred figure in the background.


Descubra nossos deliciosos produtos de padaria e confeitaria.

A bakery display window featuring freshly baked pastries arranged on trays. The window has bold lettering that partially reads 'ARTIS...' and '8 EARLH...'. Inside, a person is working with shelves or equipment in the background, adding to the busy atmosphere.
A bakery display window featuring freshly baked pastries arranged on trays. The window has bold lettering that partially reads 'ARTIS...' and '8 EARLH...'. Inside, a person is working with shelves or equipment in the background, adding to the busy atmosphere.
A commercial bakery setup featuring a large industrial oven with several racks of freshly baked bread. The oven has trays inside with bread visible through the open doors. There is also a conveyor belt in front with additional loaves placed on it.
A commercial bakery setup featuring a large industrial oven with several racks of freshly baked bread. The oven has trays inside with bread visible through the open doors. There is also a conveyor belt in front with additional loaves placed on it.

Avaliações Clientes

Veja o que nossos clientes dizem sobre nossos produtos de padaria.

Os produtos da Patricia Sampaio são sempre frescos e deliciosos, recomendo!

Mariana Silva
A baking tray filled with freshly baked pastries, likely puff pastries topped with chopped nuts and drizzled icing. They are arranged neatly on parchment paper and have a golden-brown crust.
A baking tray filled with freshly baked pastries, likely puff pastries topped with chopped nuts and drizzled icing. They are arranged neatly on parchment paper and have a golden-brown crust.

São Paulo

A qualidade dos pães e doces é excepcional, sempre voltarei para comprar mais!

A display of freshly baked pastries is arranged in woven baskets on shelving units. The pastries have golden-brown, flaky crusts and are placed on white parchment paper. Price tags are visible, with various prices marked, indicating different types of pastries available.
A display of freshly baked pastries is arranged in woven baskets on shelving units. The pastries have golden-brown, flaky crusts and are placed on white parchment paper. Price tags are visible, with various prices marked, indicating different types of pastries available.
Carlos Lima

Rio Claro
