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Estamos aqui para atender suas necessidades de padaria e confeitaria.

A bakery display with various pastries and desserts arranged on shelves behind a glass counter. There are several different baked goods, such as croissants and cakes, some under glass domes. The background features a menu board with items listed in both English and another language. There are decorative bottles and other items on the upper shelves.
A bakery display with various pastries and desserts arranged on shelves behind a glass counter. There are several different baked goods, such as croissants and cakes, some under glass domes. The background features a menu board with items listed in both English and another language. There are decorative bottles and other items on the upper shelves.


Estamos localizados em um espaço dedicado à fabricação de produtos de padaria e confeitaria, com foco em produção própria e qualidade.


Rua Exemplo, 123


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